cover of The Witch the the Warrior

Learning from Mistakes: Rethink, Redesign, Rewrite

Writing is in some ways a strange process. First you tell the story you want to tell; when you're done with that you have the option of sharing it with others who might enjoy reading it. (I've written about this Writing vs. Storytelling dualism before.) On platforms like Ao3, the "sharing with others" part is easy and low-risk, because everything is free. People browse, they skim the tags (sometimes), they click, they start reading. If the story goes somewhere they don't like they stop reading. Sometimes they yell at you in the comments; usually they just move on. Sharing your…
Kalikoi logo revealed!

Kalikoi logo revealed!

Ta-da! Look at this lovely logo! The short version of the story of the name and logo is this: as the publishers have both calico cats and calico koi, the initial idea was to call this new publishing venture showcasing F/F romance "Calico House," with a logo of a calico cat and a calico koi touching noses. However as there is already a Calico House, someone suggested Kalikoi. Not only did that word evoke the Hellenic world (yes, and by Hellenic world we mean Sappho), but, according to Google Translate, καλήκος  (kalikos) means "friend." The decision to go with Kalikoi became…